If you are an expert C developer, it is recommended to use the “Gnu Nano” editor and if you are just a beginner, try the “text” editor. Open your new C file to create our first example for object-like macros in it. Your newly generated “macro.c” file would be saved to the Linux current home folder. Use the “.c” extension at the end of a file to identify C. Thus, we recommend trying the “Touch” instruction in your Linux shell for any type of file creation. Now, you need a C code file in which you will put some C code to play with different inputs and outputs. For this, use the “apt” utility with the “install” query and the “gcc” keyword. Now, configure the gcc utility of Linux for the compilation of your C codes in the just coming examples. Provide this query with your Linux password to continue the processing.” Let’s have a fresh start on this guide by updating it in the shell by the “update” query shown in the attached image.
Although macros have many types, we will demonstrate the use of object-like macros and function-like macros in this article. The macros can be utilized in the C codes using the “#define” keyword. The Macros in C language come in handy when swapping your large code with a single piece of line code to avoid complexity and more. “As you know that C is quite a diverse general-purpose language and came up with many different structures.